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Version: v3


This is a list of warning output from NextAuth.js.

All warnings indicate things which you should take a look at, but do not inhibit normal operation.



Environment variable NEXTAUTH_URL missing. Please set it in your .env file.


These warnings are displayed on the terminal.


To remedy this warning, you can either:

Option 1: Pass a pre-regenerated Private Key (and, optionally a Public Key) in the jwt options.

jwt: {
signingKey: process.env.JWT_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY,

// You can also specify a public key for verification if using public/private key (but private only is fine)
// verificationKey: process.env.JWT_SIGNING_PUBLIC_KEY,

// If you want to use some key format other than HS512 you can specify custom options to use
// when verifying (note: verificationOptions should include a value for maxTokenAge as well).
// verificationOptions = {
// maxTokenAge: `${maxAge}s`, // e.g. `${30 * 24 * 60 * 60}s` = 30 days
// algorithms: ['HS512']
// },

You can use node-jose-tools to generate keys on the command line and set them as environment variables, i.e. jose newkey -s 256 -t oct -a HS512.

Option 2: Specify custom encode/decode functions on the jwt object. This gives you complete control over signing / verification / etc.



You returned something in the signIn callback, that is being deprecated.

You probably had something similar in the callback:

return Promise.reject("/some/url")


throw "/some/url"

To remedy this, simply return the url instead:

return "/some/url"


You provided state: true or state: false as a provider option. This is being deprecated in a later release in favour of protection: "state" and protection: "none" respectively. To remedy this warning:

  • If you use state: true, just simply remove it. The default is protection: "state" already..
  • If you use state: false, set protection: "none".